When a quirky team of midwives signs up for a half-marathon to save their beloved maternity unit, chaos ensues. Between delivering babies and dodging divorce drama, Lexi and her crew—glamorous Charmaine, overly-enthusiastic Davey, a Grandpa who gets carried away with his stories, Tina the mediator with plenty of gags along the way, and Harriet, the eldest and most experienced, whose ridiculous remarks will have you laughing—soon realise that running 13 miles is harder than delivering twins! Packed with belly laughs, awkward jogs, and more mishaps than a birthing class gone wrong, “Lexi’s Midwife Runners” is a heartwarming race to the finish line.
Directed by Samantha Bardini
Co-director Liesl Conradie
Choreography by Loz Stubbs